Research news

11 Dec 2014

Workshop announcement: "Effective Leadership in ICT innovation for healthcare" 18 March 2015, Royal Holloway University (Egham, TW20 0EX)

As part of our research project on the role of CCGs in implementing telehealth, we are organizing a workshop on effective leadership in ICT innovation for healthcare. Health care managers are faced with the opportunity of adopting information technologies to bring efficiencies to the health sector. An example is telehealth, which promises to deliver cost-savings by reducing hospital admissions. Decisions about the type of technology to adopt, technical and clinical skills required, and which patients should be recruited in the service occur in a context where agency is fragmented across different health care organisations (commissioning bodies, health care providers, general practices) and professions (health care managers, clinicians and nurses). Achieving effective leadership across organizational and professional boundaries is not easy. The objective of the workshop is to discuss the major challenges to effective leadership to IT innovations in the health sector and how these challenges can be tackled. By drawing on latest research and practice, the ultimate goal of the workshop is to offer a perspective on the major technological, organisational and institutional issues that affect coordinated leadership in the implementation of healthcare IT innovations. Such issues include, but are not limited to, clinical, management and IT leadership, leading IT innovation teams across organisational and professional boundaries, institutional and organisational barriers to coordinated leadership.
The workshop will be held on 18th March 2015 at Royal Holloway University (Egham, TW20 0EX). If you wish to know more about the workshop and/or reserve a place, please contact

12 Jun 2014

British Academy of Management grant (02/2014 - 02/2015)

We have been awarded a small grant from the British Academy of Management (BAM) to investigate the role of Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) in implementing telehealth in collaboration with their local partners. Prof. Mark Exworthy from the Health Services Management Centre, University of Birmingham is also part of the research team.